HelmholtzZentrum munich
Linkage Disequilibrium
Variant clipboard (0) reset
Variant Annotation
This module allows you to get detailed annotations for one or more variants. If the results are not what you have expected, please check the "Report" tab for details.
Genome Assembly, Variant Set, Population, and Genome Annotation
Genome assembly: Chromosome coordinates (and thus all genetic elements) are mapped to the selected human reference assembly.
Variant set: Linkage disequilibrium data and allele frequencies are computed for the selected variant set (and population where applicable).
Population: If a variant set contains more than one population, select the one that fits your study population best.
Genome annotation: Genetic elements are annotated based on data of the selected annotation dataset.
Variants: For variants entered here, SNiPA provides functional annotations if available.
In case you have already added variants to SNiPA's clipboard, these are available as a preselection.

Please input one rs-identifier per line.

There are no annotations to be shown here or your browser is busy downloading the results. Check the reports section if your input could be processed.